Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My First Entry

OK, so I'm late on this whole blog apologies but I'm not quite sure on how this whole thing works. I did create this blog a couple weeks ago but I'm a little confused on getting around on it so I guess that's the reason for my lateness. In any case, since I don't read much fiction, I've had a problem trying to find something inspirational to post.

So what does inspire me?

I'm inspired by films, music, and life--that's what gets my creative juices flowing. I am, however, through this class and other writing classes, learning that to be an excellent writer you must read literature in order to expand your knowledge of the many forms of writing.

With that being said, I did read Homer's "The Odyssey," and loved it. I felt that the journey of Odysseus back to his homeland was incredible and the writing made me feel as if I was part of the adventure. After reading "The Odyssey," I was intrigued. I wanted to read more works of fiction by Homer, like "The Iliad." Eventually, I would like to write a fantasy/adventure consisting of all the elements of writing that Homer used to captivate his readers for over 2000 years.

Click on this link to find more information on Homer and "The Odyssey."

1 comment:

S. Merrill said...

This is one sharp blog page you have here. Very impressive. Very clean, very organised, but still appealing in both content and image. Nice use of multimedia too. I'm sorry I haven't visited before now. I still haven't gotten to everyone's blog, but I'm working on it. Keep up the good work. I look forward to returning.